

There's a heap of goodies yet to be added to BladewindUI. The timeline focuses more on releases instead of release dates. Users are encouraged to contribute to move us closer to releases quicker.

The roadmap below is very flexible and not cast in stone. Contributors can pick and work now on features scheduled for later releases.

all completed
  • Add drag-n-drop to File Picker with ability to upload multiple files.
  • Add a Pagination component.
  • Add a basic toolbar to the Textarea component.
  • Add option for column headings in the Table component to be sticky.
  • Add column divider option to the Table component.
  • Table component should allow grouping of rows by a heading.

  • Add table border option to the Table component.
  • Table component should allow for selectable rows. Clicking selects the entire row.
  • Fix any issues from 2.6.0 release.
  • Progress Bar component should have an animated progression.
  • Progress Bar component should allow striped bars.

  • Add GitHub tab style to the Tab component.
  • Add Vertical and Horizontal step components.
  • Add Placeholder component.
  • The Avatar component borders/rings should be customizable.

  • The Avatar component should alternatively show labels (if image is missing).
  • Fix any issues from 2.7.0 release.
  • The Verification Code or OTP component should allow masking of input.
  • Provide more options for how much blur should be behind a Modal component.

  • Refactor the Dropmenu component and make it more user friendly.
  • Add Color picker component.
  • Refactor the Datepicker component.
  • Refactor the Timepicker component.
  • Add Number (increment/decrement) component.
  • Items in the Select component should accept a second line. A label and its description.

  • The Select component should provide an optional default state (with an action) if there are no items to select.
  • Fix any issues from 2.8.0 release.
  • Provide more options for how much blur should be behind a Modal component.

  • Tag component should have smaller versions.
  • Refactor the Dropmenu component and make it more user friendly.
  • Add Livewire support.
  • Introduce ready to use layouts.
  • Remove support for Laravel 8 users.
  • Deprecate a couple of attributes in various components.
  • The Select component will completely replace the Dropdown component.
  • Add a Range Slider component.
  • Add a Time Picker component.
  • Add an Accordion component.