

Display icons from Heroicons or SVG files. Both solid and outline modes are supported when using icons from Heroicons. The default are outline icons. To display an icon from Heroicons, you will need to enter its name exactly as it is defined on the website.

            <x-bladewind::icon name="swatch" />

By default this component sets all icons at h-6 and w-6. You can override the icon size and colours using the standard TailwindCSS classes. You can in fact, add any TailwindCSS class to the icon.

                name="video-camera-slash" class="!h-16 !w-16 text-amber-500" />
                class="!h-14 !w-14 !text-white bg-pink-400 p-4 rounded-full
                        cursor-pointer hover:bg-pink-500 hover:p-3" />
                class="!h-14 !w-14 text-cyan-500 p-3 animate-bounce rounded-md
                        cursor-pointer bg-white border-2 border-cyan-500
                        hover:bg-cyan-500 hover:text-white" />

Solid Icons

Icons from Heroicons come in two versions, outline and solid. The BladewindUI Icon component by default uses outline versions of the icons. To display solid versions of your icons, you will need to specify the attribute type="solid".

            <x-bladewind::icon name="swatch" type="solid" />
                class="!h-16 !w-16 text-amber-500" />

SVG Icons

So far all our icons have been from Heroicons. What if you have your own SVG icon tags from other websites you want to use? It is possible. Just paste the SVG tag in the name attribute of the icon and Bladewind will display it. The four icons below are taken from iconsax.

            <x-bladewind::icon name='<svg class="h-24 w-24 inline-block dark:!fill-dark-100" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M6.72 9.56H5.78C3.7 9.56 2 7.86003 2 5.78003C2 3.70003 3.7 2 5.78 2H7.67001C9.23001 2 10.5 3.28002 10.5 4.83002V7.39001V17.1C10.5 18.14 9.64999 18.99 8.60999 18.99C7.56999 18.99 6.72 18.14 6.72 17.1V9.56Z" stroke="#292D32" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M5.77985 6.72003C5.25985 6.72003 4.83984 6.30009 4.83984 5.78009C4.83984 5.26009 5.25985 4.84009 5.77985 4.84009" stroke="#292D32" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M17.28 13.52V9.56H18.22C20.3 9.56 22 7.86003 22 5.78003C22 3.70003 20.3 2 18.22 2H16.33C14.77 2 13.5 3.28002 13.5 4.83002V7.39001V17.1C13.5 18.14 14.35 18.99 15.39 18.99C16.43 18.99 17.28 18.14 17.28 17.1" stroke="#292D32" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M18.2207 6.72003C18.7407 6.72003 19.1607 6.30009 19.1607 5.78009C19.1607 5.26009 18.7407 4.84009 18.2207 4.84009" stroke="#292D32" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M8.5 22V19" stroke="#292D32" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M15.5 22V19" stroke="#292D32" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
</svg>' />
            <x-bladewind::icon name='<svg class="h-24 w-24 inline-block dark:!fill-dark-100" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M16.2702 9.10001L14.3002 8.25001C14.1402 8.18001 14.0002 7.97001 14.0002 7.79001V4.79001C14.0002 3.85001 13.3102 2.74001 12.4702 2.31001C12.1702 2.16001 11.8202 2.16001 11.5202 2.31001C10.6802 2.74001 9.99023 3.86001 9.99023 4.80001V7.80001C9.99023 7.98001 9.85023 8.19001 9.69023 8.26001L4.11023 10.67C3.49023 10.92 2.99023 11.69 2.99023 12.36V13.65C2.99023 14.49 3.62023 14.9 4.39023 14.57L9.30023 12.45C9.68023 12.28 10.0002 12.49 10.0002 12.91V15.76C10.0002 15.99 9.87023 16.31 9.71023 16.47L7.44023 18.75C7.20023 18.99 7.09023 19.45 7.20023 19.78L7.64023 21.11C7.82023 21.69 8.48024 21.97 9.02024 21.69L11.3502 19.73C11.7002 19.43 12.2802 19.43 12.6302 19.73L14.9602 21.69C15.5002 21.96 16.1602 21.69 16.3602 21.11L16.8002 19.78C16.9102 19.46 16.8002 18.99 16.5602 18.75L14.2902 16.47C14.1202 16.31 13.9902 15.99 13.9902 15.76V12.91C13.9902 12.49 14.3002 12.29 14.6902 12.45L19.6002 14.57C20.3702 14.9 21.0002 14.49 21.0002 13.65V12.36C21.0002 11.69 20.5002 10.92 19.8802 10.66" stroke="#292D32" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
</svg>' />

Note how the name attribute now uses single quotes and not double quotes

SVG Image Files

BladewindUI serves all the Hericons icons from public > vendor > bladewind > icons > [solid, outline]. As stated earlier, the default icons served are outlines, so the outline directory is used. When you specify type="solid", the solid directory is used. You can place your own SVG files in either the outline or solid directories and then enter the file name (without .svg) in the name attribute of the component.

For the example below, we placed the SVG file discount-shape.svg in the public > vendor > bladewind > icons > outline directory.

            <x-bladewind::icon name="discount-shape"
                class="!h-24 !w-24 !fill-yellow-500 !stroke-yellow-300" />

For the example below, we placed the SVG file message-notif.svg in the public > vendor > bladewind > icons > solid directory. In this case we will need to add the type="solid" attribute.

                class="!h-24 !w-24 !fill-green-300 !stroke-green-500" />

Custom SVG Directory

If you place your icon files in the default BladewindUI directory specified above, it is likely your files will be overwritten anytime there is a Bladewind update and you publish the public files. To ensure you don't lose your custom icons, it is advised you place them in a directory in your public directory. You will need to specify the dir attribute.

For the example below, we placed the SVG file discount-circle.svg in the public > assets > images directory.

                class="h-24 w-24" />

Some TailwindCSS classes may not work on SVG files/icons that are not from Heroicons. SVG fill and stroke classes were not working as expected in some cases.

Full List Of Attributes

The table below shows a comprehensive list of all the attributes available for the Bell component.

IMPORTANT: Projects running Laravel 8 please read this

Option Default Available Values
name blank The name of the icon (as defined on Heroicons) to display.
type outline Determines what type of the icon to display.
outline solid
class h-6 w-6 inline-block CSS classes for defining of the icon. Accepts any TailwindCSS classes applicable to SVGs.

Icon with all attributes defined

                class="h-16 w-16 text-amber-500" />

The source file for this component is available in resources > views > components > bladewind > icon.blade.php