

Select values from a slider. This provides a convenient way for users to select numeric values instead of clicking increment and decrement arrows or manually entering values.

It is important to give your Slider a name if you intend to get the selected value when a form is submitted or via ajax. If you have multiple sliders on the same page, each slider needs to have a unique name. BladewindUI will use random names if you don't specify any.


            <x-bladewind::slider />

Different Colours

The Slider component like most BladewindUI components supports multiple colours. The default colour is your project's primary colour defined in your TailwindCss config file. To use a different colour, set the color attribute. The example below also sets the selected attribute. This is useful in edit mode to specify the slider number the user already selected. This can also be used to set the default value for the slider.

            <x-bladewind::slider selected="50" color="cyan" />
            <x-bladewind::slider selected="30" color="pink" />
            <x-bladewind::slider selected="70" color="indigo" />

The full list of colours is available in the attributes list below.


By default the slider increments by 1 when you slide. You can define the numeric interval between slides by setting the step attribute. This must be a positive number greater than 1.

            <x-bladewind::slider selected="10" step="5" />

Min and Max Values

By default the slider is set to a minimum of 0 and maximum of 100. This means you cannot slide beyond 0 or past 100. This behaviour can be changed by setting the min and min attributes. These must be positive numbers. This is useful for example in a case where you are building a web app for youth and need to ensure they only select ages between 18 and 35.

            <x-bladewind::slider min="18" max="35" />

Range Selection

There are cases where you need to let users select a minimum and maximum value. For example, a video streaming app may want to restrict content for kids between a range say 4 to 9. Setting the slider attribute range="true" displays two markers on the slider for users to select two values.

The range selection slider is currently buggy.

20 - 60

<x-bladewind::slider range="true" selected="20" max_selected="60" />

Form Submission

The assumption is you will need to retrieve the value from the slider and do something with it. The name you specify for the slider is what will be passed when your form is submitted. Assuming we named our slider age, below is the HTML input field that will be generated.

<input type="hidden"
       class="slider-selection-age-input bw-slider-age"
       value="50" />

<!-- when using a range slider and two values are selected -->
<input type="hidden"
       class="slider-selection-age-input bw-slider-age"
       value="10,50" />

Full List Of Attributes

The table below shows a comprehensive list of all the attributes available for the Slider component.

IMPORTANT: Projects running Laravel 8 please read this

Option Default Available Values
name bw_uniqid() Unique name for the slider. You can get the slider value from this when a form with a slider is submitted.
color primary There are twelve colours to choose from.

primaryred yellow green blue pink cyan purple gray orange violet indigo fuchsia
show_values true Should the selected values label be displayed.
true false
range false Should the slider show two markers instead of one.
true false
min 0 Minimum value the slider should start from. Needs to be a positive number greater or equal to zero.
max 100 Maximum value the slider should end at. Needs to be a positive number greater than zero.
step 1 By what number should the slider values be incremented or decreased. Needs to be a positive number greater than zero.
selected 0 Used in edit mode to set the slider to the number user selected previously. Also used to set the default value for the slider. The max value is used when a selected value is greater than the max value.
max_selected blank Applies only if range="true". Sets the slider value for the second marker. Also used to set the default value for the second marker.
class bw-slider-container Any additional css you wish to add.

Slider with all attributes defined

    class="m-0" />

The source file for this component is available in resources > views > components > bladewind > slider.blade.php