Tags, sometimes referred to as labels allow you to logically group items or indicate statuses of items. You can also use tags to list selections. They are very simple to use.
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending" />
The BladewindUI tag component allows you to specify different colours. The tags by default are faint in colour with blue being the default colour. There are nine colour options to pick from.
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending" color="color-name" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending" color="pink" />
Dark colours in this case have nothing to do with dark mode. These are just a deeper shade of the tag colours. You can get darker shaded tags by setting shade="dark"
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending" shade="dark" color="color-name" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending" shade="dark" color="purple" />
Tags can also have close icons. That will be useful if you use tags to display user selections and want a way to remove a user’s selection from the list. By default tags do not show the close icon.
To activate close icons, set can_close="true"
. The default action when the close icon is clicked is to remove the tag that was clicked.
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending"
can_close="true" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending"
color="pink" />
The default action when the close icon is clicked is to remove the tag that was clicked.
To run your own code when the close icon is clicked, provide a javascript function to the onclick
You may need to use the id
attribute to provide unique identifiers for your tags.
By default each tag has a random generated id
prefixed with bw-
to prevent numeric only IDs from breaking.
You can turn off the prefixing of IDs by setting add_id_prefix="false"
onclick="alert('you clicked on '+ dom_el('#a1001').innerText)" />
onclick="alert('you clicked on '+ dom_el('.a1002').innerText)" />
Sometimes you need to display tags as hints. For example in a menu bar you may want users to know which features are new by displaying a colourful but tiny new tag next to each new menu item.
Setting the tiny="true"
attribute will serve such aa purpose. Specifying this attribute on a x-bladewind::tags
component will apply the size to all tags
defined within the component. However, specifying the attribute on a x-bladewind::tag
component will only apply it to that single tag.
<x-bladewind::tag label="just added" tiny="true" color="pink" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="new" tiny="true" color="purple"
There are cases where you have a rounded elements theme running through your app and will prefer to have rounded tags.
Yes you can!. To make tags rounded set rounded="true"
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending"
rounded="true" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending"
color="pink" />
What if you prefer to have no background colours on your tags. Just a border outline with your chosen colour. Simply set outline="true"
The outline border colour is also affected by the shade you set. So light shades have a lighter outline. Dark shades have a darker outline.
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending" outline="true" color="pink" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="pending" can_close="true"
shade="dark" />
Selectable tags allow you to use tags in forms. You can think of them in this case as a different kind of checkboxes.
Tags automatically become selectable when you specify the name
Hidden input fields are created for distinct tag names. Values of the selected tags are then written the hidden input fields making them accessible when the form is submitted. For example:
if we have 3 tags with the name location, this input field will be created <input type="hidden" name="location" />
When any location is selected, the value will be written into the hidden location input field. Multiple values are written as a comma separated list.
What's in your tech stack?
error_message="You can select only up to 3 tech stacks"
error_heading="Check selection!">
<x-bladewind::tag label="laravel" value="laravel" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="javascript" value="js" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="node js" value="node" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="tailwindcss" value="tailwind" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="c-sharp" value="cs" />
Note the tags are wrapped in a parent <x-bladewind::tags>...</x-bladewind::tags>
The above example also introduces a restriction on how many tags can be selected from the list. This is achieved by
setting the max
attribute on the tags
Where a max
attribute is used, it is necessary to define
the error_message
and error_heading
This is the message to be displayed if a user tries to select more than the maximum tags allowed.
Where are you hosting apps?
<x-bladewind::tags color="green" name="host">
<x-bladewind::tag label="digital ocean" value="do" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="amazon web services" value="aws" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="microsoft azure" value="azure" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="google cloud" value="google" />
What are your interests?
<x-bladewind::tags color="gray" name="interests">
<x-bladewind::tag label="artificial intelligence" value="AI" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="blockchain" value="blockchain" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="cryptocurrency" value="crypto" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="software engineering" value="software" />
What is your gender?
error_message="You can select just one gender"
<x-bladewind::tag label="Male" value="male" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="female" value="female" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="other" value="other" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="don't ask" value="shoosh" />
What do you do on friday evenings?
The example below has three values selected by default.
<x-bladewind::tag label="hangout with friends" value="hangout" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="go clubbing" value="club" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="watch movies" value="movies" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="just chill" value="chill" />
<x-bladewind::tag label="sleeeeep" value="sleep" />
The table below shows a comprehensive list of all the attributes available for the Tag component.
Only used when defining selectable tags.
Option | Default | Available Values |
name | null | The name used when defining selectable tags. This name can be retrieved when the form is submitted. |
color | blue |
There are nine colors to choose from. red yellow green blue pink
cyan purple gray orange
max | null | How many tags can be selected. By default there is no limit.any positive number |
required | false | Determines if selectable tags are required when displayed in a form.true false |
selected_value | empty string | In edit mode you will want selected tags to be highlighted by default. Set the values as a comma separated list. |
error_heading | Error | Heading to display in the notification when displaying an error message. |
error_message | empty string | Message to display when max is set and user selection exceeds the max allowed. |
rounded | false | Determines if the tag is fully rounded or not. By default tags have a very subtle roundness. true false |
tiny | false | Determines if the size of all the tags in the group is tiny. There are just two sizes, tiny and regular. true false |
uppercasing | true | Determines if the text for all the tags in the group is uppercased. If false , the text text will be displayed as you entered it. true false |
shade | faint | Determines if the tags should have a faint or darker color shade.faint dark |
outline | false | Determines if the tag is only outlined with color above. Outline tags have no background colour. true false |
class | space-x-2 space-y-2 | Any additional CSS you wish to add to the tags container. Useful if you want to space out the tags for example. Whatever you set overwrites the default so you may need to include classes for spacing. |
Option | Default | Available Values |
label | blank | The text to display on the tag. |
color | blue |
There are nine colors to choose from. red yellow green blue pink
cyan purple gray orange
shade | faint | Determines if the tags should have a faint or darker color shade.faint dark |
can_close | false | Determines if the tag should display a close icon or not. The value should be passed as a string, not boolean.true false |
id | uniqid() | Unique id for the tag. This id can then be accessed via javascript. By default tag IDs have a prefix of bw- |
add_id_prefix | true | Determines if the bw- prefix should be added to tag IDs. true false |
rounded | false | Determines if the tag is fully rounded or not. By default tags have a very subtle roundness. true false |
outline | false | Determines if the tag is only outlined with color above. Outline tags have no background colour. true false |
tiny | false | Determines if the tag size is tiny. There are just tiny and the regular size. true false |
uppercasing | true | Determines if the tag text is all uppercase. If false , the text text will be displayed as you entered it. true false |
onclick | blank | Javascript function to execute when the close icon is clicked. |
class | bw-tag | Any additional CSS you wish to add. |
error_message="You can select only up to 3 tech stacks"
error_heading="Check selection!">
onclick="alert('you clicked on '+ dom_el('.a1002').innerText)" />
resources > views > components > bladewind > tag-group.blade.php
resources > views > components > bladewind > tag.blade.php