Display a calendar so user can select a date. The calendar component is locale friendly. Months and days are translated.
<script src="//unpkg.com/alpinejs" defer></script>
<x-bladewind::datepicker />
By default the datepicker fills up the width of its parent container. You can however specify a width of your choice using the datepicker's css
You can also change the placeholder text from the default Select a date
<div class="w-40">
<x-bladewind::datepicker placeholder="Invoice Date" />
This range datepicker isn't your typical date range selection you will find on airline websites.
This option simply saves you from manually embedding the datepicker two times.
Specifying type="range"
will create two separate datepicker boxes for start and end dates.
<x-bladewind::datepicker type="range" />
The default placeholder texts for the range datepicker are From and To. These can however, be modified using the date_from_label
and date_to_label
attributes. These attributes only work if type="range"
Also, we introduced stacked="true"
to stack the datepickers vertically.
date_from_label="start date"
date_to_label="end date" />
An asterisk is appended to the placeholder text when required="true"
<x-bladewind::datepicker required="true" />
The date range picker comes with optional date validation. This validation only checks to ensure the
end date is not less than the start date. To enforce validation of the date range picker, set
. This is only applied if type="range"
When you activate validation,
you will need to provide the message to be displayed when a user selects an end date
that is less than the start date. This is provided as an option to make it translatable.
Set validation_message="your message here"
date_from_label="task starts"
date_to_label="task due"
validation_message="Seriously!, you know your task cannot end before you even got started" />
By default, the error validation message is displayed in the BladewindUI notification component. You will need
to ensure you have the x-bladewind.notification
component on your page for the error message to be visible. If you prefer to display the error
message inline, under the date fields, simply set show_error_inline="true"
The validation is handled by the compareDates()
helper function and returns a boolean (0 or 1).
False (0) means there was an error. The range datepicker places the start date next to the end date. There are cases where your display will require you to have
your end date below the start. In this case you will need to use two datepickers. You can still use this helper function to
validate your start and end dates.
You can specify how you want dates selected in the datepicker to be displayed. There are four options to pick from.
The default format is format="yyyy-mm-dd"
. When using a range datepicker, the format you specify is applied to both datepickers.
<x-bladewind::datepicker name="date1" type="range" format="dd-mm-yyyy" />
<x-bladewind::datepicker name="date2" format="mm-dd-yyyy" />
<x-bladewind::datepicker name="date3" format="D d M, Y" type="range" />
<x-bladewind::datepicker name="date4" format="yyyy-mm-dd" />
There are times you will want the datepicker to load prepopulated with a default value. This is useful when in edit mode or when using filters and you want to show the user what dates they filtered by.
<x-bladewind::datepicker default_date="2021-12-03" />
It is possible to have default dates for a range datepicker also.
default_date_to="2022-01-03" />
Setting minimum and maximum dates restrict the datepicker to display dates only within these specified dates.
The min_date
attribute allows you to set the accepted minimum date.
Any dates before this date will be disabled and grayed out. The max_date
attribute allows you to set the accepted maximum date. Any dates after this date will be disabled and grayed out.
<x-bladewind::datepicker min_date="2025-02-12" />
<x-bladewind::datepicker max_date="2025-02-28" />
<x-bladewind::datepicker min_date="2025-02-01" max_date="2025-02-28" />
The table below shows a comprehensive list of all the attributes available for the Datepicker component.
Option | Default | Available Values |
name | bw-datepicker | This name can be accessed when the input is submitted in the form. The name is also available as part of the css classes. |
type | single | single range |
default_date | blank | In case you are editing a form, the value passed will be set on the value attribute of the datepicker input.
<input type="text" value="" ../> |
default_date_from | blank | Default date to set for the From date when using the range datepicker. |
default_date_to | blank | Default date to set for the To date when using the range datepicker. |
min_date | blank | Restrict the date to start from this. Any dates before this will be disabled and grayed out. |
max_date | blank | Restrict the date to end at this. Any dates after this will be disabled and grayed out. |
date_from_label | From | Placeholder text to display for the From date. Applicable only to range datepickers. |
date_to_label | To | Placeholder text to display for the To date. Applicable only to range datepickers. |
format | yyyy-mm-dd | How date should be formatted.yyyy-mm-dd
dd-mm-yyyy mm-dd-yyyy
D d M, Y |
placeholder | Select a date | Placeholder text to display |
required | false | Determines if the placeholder text should have an asterisk appended to it or not. Value needs to be set as a string not boolean.true false |
onblur | blank | Custom function to call when the datepicker loses focus. This can be the entire function with parameters. Bladewind does not interfere with this. |
week_starts | sun | Choose between Sunday and Monday as the first day of the week. The week_starts value defined by the first datepicker on your page is applied to all other datepickers on the page. sun mon |
class | bw-datepicker | Any additonal css classes can be added using this attribute. |
validate | false | Applied if type="range" to enforce if the start date should not be greater than the end date. true false |
validation_message | Your end date cannot be less than your start date | Applied if type="range" . Message to display if there is a validation error. |
show_error_inline | false | Applied if type="range" to specify how the error should be displayed. By default, it is displayed in the Bladewind Notification component. true false |
use_placeholder | true | Applied if type="range" to specify if the placeholder should be explicitly used instead of labels. true false |
stacked | true | Applied if type="range" to specify if the datepickers should be stacked vertically. true false |
size | medium |
Sizing of the input to match button sizes in case you have a datepicker and a button on one line.tiny small regular big
placeholder="Invoice Date"
validation_message="end date before start date! Really?"
onblur="copyDate('copy_from', 'copy_to')"
class="shadow-sm" />
resources > views > components > bladewind > datepicker.blade.php
<script defer src="//unpkg.com/alpinejs"></script>