

Organize and display data in tabs. The BladewindUI tab component is broken down into two parts. The tab headings and the tab content. To prevent erratic behaviour of tabs it is very important to provide a value for the name attribute. In fact, the tabs won't be rendered without you specifying a name. The example below uses pictures from Unsplash.

  • Lissete Laverde
  • Marko Pavlichenko
  • Yoonbae Cho
  • Sam Carter
Picture by Yoonbae Cho
            <x-bladewind::tab-group name="free-pics">

                        name="unsplash-1" label="Lissete Laverde" />

                        name="unsplash-2" label="Marko Pavlichenko" />

                        name="unsplash-3" active="true" label="Yoonbae Cho" />

                        name="unsplash-4" label="Sam Carter" />


                    <x-bladewind::tab-content name="unsplash-1">
                        <img src="/path/to/the/image/file"
                            alt="Picture by Lissete Laverde" />

                    <x-bladewind::tab-content name="unsplash-2">
                        <img src="/path/to/the/image/file"
                            alt="Picture by Marko Pavlichenko" />

                    <x-bladewind::tab-content name="unsplash-3" active="true">
                        <img src="/path/to/the/image/file"
                            alt="Picture by Yoonbae Cho" />

                    <x-bladewind::tab-content name="unsplash-4">
                        <img src="/path/to/the/image/file"
                            alt="Picture by Sam Carter" />



Let us breakdown what is happening with the tab component. We first define a tab group that will hold all the tab headings and tab content. As stated earlier, it is very important to give this tab group a name. <x-bladewind::tab-group name="staff-loans">.

Next, we need to define the tab headings we will click on to access the tab content. The tab headings are wrapped in a slot named headings. <x-slot:headings>. The next step is to add the individual tab headings using the <x-bladewind::tab-heading />. The individual tab headings also need to be named uniquely. The tab heading you want selected by default should have active="true". This necessarily does not need to be the first tab. If you have four tab headings and the third needs to be selected by default, set active="true" on the third tab heading.

The final bit that ties the tab component all together is the <x-bladewind::tab-body>. This is the parent component that holds all the content for each corresponding tab heading. Content for each tab heading needs to be defined in the <x-bladewind::tab-content> tag that has the same name as it's corresponding tab heading. The tab content that needs to be visible by default also needs to have active="true" set.

Different Colours

The tab component by default displays the active tab heading and its underline bar as blue. There are nine colours in total to pick from. To set your preferred colour set the color attribute on the <x-bladewind::tab-group> component.

  • Active Red Tab
  • The Other Tab

  • Active Yellow Tab
  • The Other Tab

  • Active Green Tab
  • The Other Tab

  • Active Pink Tab
  • The Other Tab

  • Active Cyan Tab
  • The Other Tab

  • Active Gray Tab
  • The Other Tab

  • Active Purple Tab
  • The Other Tab

  • Active Orange Tab
  • The Other Tab

  • Active Blue Tab
  • Disabled Tab

  • Active Violet Tab
  • Disabled Tab

  • Active Indigo Tab
  • Disabled Tab

  • Active Fuchsia Tab
  • Disabled Tab

            <x-bladewind::tab-group name="red-tab" color="red">
                <x-slot name="headings">

                        label="Active Red Tab" />

                        label="The Other Tab" />







Other Tab Styles

The tab components exist in three different styles. You can specify a preferred style by setting the style attribute. The available styles are simple, system and pills. The default tab style is simple.

System Tab Style

  • Blue System Tab
  • The Other Tab
Picture by Lissete Laverde

                            name="sys-blue" active="true" label="Blue System Tab" />
                            name="inactive-sys-blue" label="The Other Tab" />

                            name="sys-blue" active="true">...</x-bladewind::tab-content>


  • Active Cyan Tab
  • The Other Tab
Picture by Lissete Laverde

  • System gray Tab
  • The Other Tab
Picture by Lissete Laverde

Pills tab style

  • Active Blue Tab
  • The Other Tab
Picture by Lissete Laverde


                            name="pills-blue" active="true" label="Blue System Tab" />
                            name="inactive-pills-blue" label="The Other Tab" />

                            name="pills-blue" active="true">...</x-bladewind::tab-content>


  • Active Pink Tab
  • The Other Tab
Picture by Lissete Laverde

With Icons

You can display icon prefixes in tab headings. This uses the BladewindUI Icon component so all Heroicons are supported. You can change how the icon looks by setting the icon_css attribute. The Heroicons outline icons are used by default. To use the solid icons instead, set icon_type="solid". The icon_dir attribute allows you to specify which directory to pick your custom icons from.

  • Shopping List
  • Previous Purchases
  • Solid Icon
  • Icon Css Applied
Picture by Lissete Laverde

<x-bladewind::tab-group name="tab-icon">
    <x-slot name="headings">
        <x-bladewind::tab-heading name="icon-blue" active="true"
            label="Shopping List" />
        <x-bladewind::tab-heading name="icon-inactive"
            label="Previous Purchases"
            icon="shopping-bag" />
        <x-bladewind::tab-heading name="icon-solid"
            label="Solid Icon"
            icon_type="solid" />
        <x-bladewind::tab-heading name="icon-solid-css" label="Icon Css Applied"
            icon_css="!rounded-full !bg-orange-500 text-white size-6 p-1" />
        <x-bladewind::tab-content name="icon-blue" active="true">
            <img src="/assets/images/lissete-laverde-z9Ropm8edsw-unsplash.jpg"
                 alt="Picture by Lissete Laverde" />
        <x-bladewind::tab-content name="icon-inactive">
            <img src="/assets/images/sam-carter-JU1SVl4smHM-unsplash.jpg" alt="Picture by Sam Carter" />
        <x-bladewind::tab-content name="icon-solid">
            <img src="/assets/images/lissete-laverde-z9Ropm8edsw-unsplash.jpg" alt="Picture by Lissete Laverde" />

Full List Of Attributes

The table below shows a comprehensive list of all the attributes available for the Tab component.

IMPORTANT: Projects running Laravel 8 please read this

Tab Group Component Attributes

Option Default Available Values
name blank Unique name to identify the tab component by in case there are multiple tab groups on the same page.
style simple Choose a tab style.
simple system pills
headings blank This is a slot that accepts one or more <x-bladewind::tab-heading> components
color blue There are nine colors to choose from.
primary red yellow green blue pink cyan purple gray orange violet indigo fuchsia

Tab Heading Component Attributes

Option Default Available Values
name tab Unique name to identify the tab heading.
label tab Text to display as the tab heading. This is what the user clicks on to switch tabs.
active false Specifies if the tab should be selected by default.
true false
disabled false Specifies if the tab should be disabled by default. Disabled tabs are faded out and do nothing when clicked on.
true false
url default By default tabs switch to their respective content. If you prefer your tab headings to load other urls when clicked on, set this attribute. This url is called using location.href
icon null Specify the icon prefix to display with the tab heading. See the Icon component for what icons can be used.
icon_css blank Additional CSS to modify the look of the icon.
icon_dir blank If you have your own custom icons you wish to use instead of Heroicons, specify the directory to load the icons from. See the dir attribute in the Icon component for how to reference your paths.
icon_type outline Choose if you prefer outline or solid icons.
solid outline

Tab Body Component Attributes

Option Default Available Values
class blank Any additional Tailwind CSS classes to apply to the tab body container. This is the container all tab contents sit in.

Tab Content Component Attributes

Option Default Available Values
name tab This name must be the same as name given to this content's tab heading.
active false Specifies if the tab should be selected by default. If this content's corresponding tab heading is active, this must also be set to active.
true false
class blank Any additional Tailwind CSS classes to apply to the tab content container. Applies to a specific tab content.

Tab with all attributes defined

            <x-bladewind::tab-group name="red-tab" color="red" style="system">
                <x-slot name="headings">

                        label="Active Red Tab" />

                        label="The Other Tab" />


                <x-bladewind::tab-body class="p-2">

                        class="border border-gray-100"



The source files for this component are available in resources > views > components > bladewind > tab-group.blade.php, resources > views > components > bladewind > tab-heading.blade.php, resources > views > components > bladewind > tab-body.blade.php and resources > views > components > bladewind > tab-content.blade.php