

The modal component is useful for displaying content that is overlayed on the primary page content.

Default Modal

Modals are mostly displayed when an action is triggered, say when a button is clicked. All BladewindUI modals are invoked via a javascript helper function bundled with the component. showModal('name-of-modal');. Like with all BladewindUI components, the syntax for cooking up a modal is very simple.

                Basic modal

                Basic modal with a title

                Please agree to the terms and conditions of
                the agreement before proceeding.

                title="Agree or Disagree">
                Please agree to the terms and conditions of
                the agreement before proceeding.

IMPORTANT: BladewindUI Modals are created, targeted and invoked using the name attribute. You can have several modals on the same page but it is very important to provide unique names for each modal.

Clicking on the backdrop of the modal or on the cancel button will by default dismiss the modal. You probably guessed it. The hideModal('name-of-modal'); helper function is called to dismiss modals. It is possible to prevent the backdrop or the cancel button from closing the modal. See the Non-dismissed modal section below.

Different Types

The BladewindUI modal component comes prebuilt with some default types for the common use cases. This can be achieved by setting the type attribute on the modal component. The default type="". All the type attribute does is append the appropriate icons that match the type of modal.

Info Modal

This requires that you set type="info" on the modal component. The default icon changes to a blue info icon.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('info')">
                Info Modal

                title="General Info"
                We really think you should buy some Bitcoin
                despite it's ups and dowms. What sayeth thou?

Error Modal

This requires that you set type="error" on the modal component. The default icon changes to a red exclamation mark.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('error')">
                Error Modal

                title="Delete Not Allowed"
                You do not have permissions to delete this user.

Warning Modal

This requires that you set type="warning" on the modal component. The default icon changes to a yellow bell icon.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('warning')">
                Warning Modal

                title="First warning"
                Hmmm...This is your first warning.
                Two more warnings and you are off this platform.

Success Modal

This requires that you set type="success" on the modal component. The default icon changes to a green thumbs up icon.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('success')">
                Success Modal

                title="User Deleted"
                Yayy.. User deleted successfully

Stretched Action Buttons

Some users prefer to have their action buttons span the entire width of the modal. To achieve this simply set stretched_action_buttons="true" on the modal component.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('stretched')">
                Success Modal

                title="Stretched Buttons"
                The action buttons in this modal have been stretched.
                This means each button gets its own line. Cool right?

Backdrop Blur Intensity

The backdrop can be customized to have different intensities of the blur by specifying blur_size. The available values are none, small, medium, large, xl, xxl, omg.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('noblur')">
                No Blur

                title="See Through Me"
                The backdrop of this modal is not blurred.
                You can see all the content behind the backdrop.

Using Different Icons

The default types use predefined icons. You may want to use your own icons in the modal component to give your context to your message. You can set the icon attribute to any icon name on Heroicons. This modal icon is displayed using the BladewindUI Icon component. Note the use of the icon_css attribute as well. That is how to apply extra styling to the custom icon.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('iconic')">
                Custom Icon Modal

                icon_css="bg-gray-500 text-white p-2.5 rounded-full"
                title="Large File Size"
                The file you are trying to download is very big.
                Do you still want to continue with the download?

You may want to use a custom icon but with one of the predefined states. For example, you may want to display a success modal but you don't like the default check-circle icon used. It is possible to use a custom icon with any of the predefined states. Simply set both the type and icon attributes.


                title="Large File Size"
                The file you are trying to download is very big.
                Do you still want to continue with the download?

Different Sizes

On mobile the modal has just one size

You could tell the above modals looked quite squashed. The BladewindUI modal component comes with a size option that allows your content to breath in the modals. This can be achieved by setting the size attribute on the modal component. The default size="small". Below are all the available sizes. All sizes are the same on mobile.

Tiny Modal

This requires that you set size="tiny" on the modal component.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('tiny-modal')">
                Tiny Modal

                title="Tiny Modal"
                I am the tiniest in the modal family. Don't hate.

Small Modal

This requires that you set size="small" on the modal component.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('small-modal')">
                Small Modal

                title="Small Modal"
                I am the smallest in the modal family. Don't hate.

Medium Modal

This requires that you set size="medium" on the modal component. This is the default so it is not really necessary to set the attribute on the component if you want to use the medium modal size.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('medium-modal')">
                Medium Modal

                title="Medium Modal"
                I am the medium sized modal.
                Also the default if you do not set a size.

Big Modal

This requires that you set size="big" on the modal component.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('big-modal')">
                Big Modal

                title="Big Modal"
                English can be quite confusing.
                How is big different from large? You be the judge!

Large Modal

This requires that you set size="large" on the modal component.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('large-modal')">
                Large Modal

                title="Large Modal"
                I am the large modal. If I am not large enough to contain
                your needs, check out my xl brother.

XL Modal

This requires that you set size="xl" on the modal component.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('xl-modal')">
                Xl Modal

                title="XL Modal"
                I am the extra large modal. How do you like my size now.
                You could fill me up with some much needed content.

OMG Modal a.k.a Full Width Modal

This requires that you set size="omg" on the modal component.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('omg-modal')">
                OMG Modal

                title="Full Width Modal"
                I am the full width modal. My nickname is OMG.
                I take up the entire screen. I do not know why
                you will need a modal like this but well, like they say,
                it is better to have and not use that need and not have.

Action Buttons

The modal component by default shows a Cancel and Okay button. Both buttons by default close the modal when clicked. It is possible to show either of the buttons or even none of the buttons.

If you don't want your buttons to say Cancel and Okay, set the cancel_button_label and ok_button_label attributes to whatever text you want the buttons to display.

To hide the cancel button, simply set cancel_button_label="". When the button label is blank, the button won't be displayed. In the same way, to hide the primary button, the okay button in this case, simply set ok_button_label="". When the button label is blank, the button won't be displayed.

No Cancel Button

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('no-cancel')">
                No cancel button

                title="No Cancel Button"
                I have no cancel button. Just okay and that is fine.

No Okay Button

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('no-okay')">
                No okay button

                title="No Okay Button"
                I have no okay button.
                Just cancel this thing and let's all go home.

Hiding Both Action Buttons

Your guess is right. To hide both the okay and cancel buttons you can set cancel_button_label="" and ok_button_label="". However, there is a shorter way to achieve this. Instead, set the show_action_buttons="false" attribute. This will hide both action buttons. A no-action-buttons modal can be useful if you want to have a form in a modal with its own button that submits the form.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('no-action-buttons')">
                No action buttons

                title="No Action Buttons"
                I have no action buttons. Only the backdrop can close me now.

Action Button Actions

By default both action buttons close the modal. It is possible to change these default actions. To achieve this you will need to set the cancel_button_action and ok_button_action attributes. The default values are cancel_button_action="close" and ok_button_action="close". The attributes expect javascript functions as the values.

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('custom-actions')">
                CLick me for custom actions

                title="Confirm User Deletion"
                ok_button_action="alert('as you wish')"
                cancel_button_action="alert('good choice')"
                ok_button_label="Yes, delete"
                cancel_button_label="don't delete">
                Are you sure you want to delete this user? This action cannot be undone.

You will notice from the custom actions example above that we introduced the attribute close_after_action="false". By default, the modal is dismissed after clicking any of the action buttons. Setting this attribute to false will ensure the modal stays open after clicking any of the action buttons.

Close Icon

Closing of the modal is delegated mostly to the Cancel or Close button in the footer of the modal. It is, however, possible to close modals using a close icon placed in the top right of the modal. To enable this, you will need to set show_close_icon="true". Here is an example.

Alignment of the Action Buttons

By default the action buttons are right aligned but left aligned if the modal size="tiny". To change the alignment of the action buttons, set the align_buttons attribute to either left, center or right.

Non-Dismissible Modal

By default the modal component can be closed using the backdrop or any of the action buttons. There are cases when you really don't want the user to dismiss the modal until a choice has been made or an action has been performed.

Getting this result is simple. Just set backdrop_can_close="false". If you are using the modals with the action buttons you will also need to set the actions of each button. See Action Buttons above.

In this example, we assume your app is very data sensitive and you want users to be able to lock their screens when stepping away from their computers.

Refresh the page to get out of locked mode

            <x-bladewind::button onclick="showModal('lock-screen')">
                <svg>...</svg> lock the screen


                    <div class="flex mx-auto justify-center my-2">
                        <x-bladewind.avatar class="" image="/path/to/the/image/file" />
                    <div class="my-4">
                        You will need to unlock the screen to continue using this application.

                        placeholder="Enter your password to unlock"
                        type="password" />

                    <x-bladewind::button class="w-full">Check password</x-bladewind::button>


Submitting Form Using Action Button

There may be instances where you want to load a form in a modal and only submit the form when the user clicks on the Okay or Save action button. Submitting the form should also happen ONLY if all validations have passed. The modal component itself does not provide a magical way of achieving this but the code below implements the logic we just described.

Validate and Submit Form

            // the modal and its form

                <form method="post" action="" class="profile-form">
                    <b class="mt-0">Edit Your Profile</b>
                    <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 mt-6">
                        <x-bladewind::input required="true" name="first_name"
                            error_message="Please enter your first name" label="First name" />

                        <x-bladewind::input required="true" name="last_name"
                             error_message="Please enter your last name" label="Last name" />
                    <x-bladewind::input required="true" name="email"
                         error_message="Please enter your email" label="Email address" />

                    <x-bladewind::input numeric="true" name="mobile" label="Mobile" />

            // the script called by the Update button
            saveProfile = () => {
                } else {
                    return false;

The "Update" button from the modal above calls a saveProfile() Javascript function when it is clicked on ok_button_action="saveProfile()". In the Javascript function, we validate the profile form class="profile-form" using the validateForm() helper function available in BladewindUI. We then submit the form if all required fields are not empty. The form above uses method="get" so you can see the form fields passed as query strings in the URL.

By default BladewindUI modals close when either of the action buttons are clicked. To prevent our modal from closing when the user clicks on the Update button, we set the close_after_action="false" attribute.

Using Ajax

In the next example our form is submitted via Ajax. The example makes use of the Process Indicator component to show progress.

        // the modal and its form.
        // take note of the processing and process-complete components



            <form method="get" action="" class="profile-form-ajax">
                <b>Edit Your Profile</b>
                <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 mt-6">
                    <x-bladewind::input required="true" name="first_name2"
                        label="First name" error_message="Please enter your first name" />
                    <x-bladewind::input required="true" name="last_name2"
                        label="Last name" error_message="Please enter your last name" />
                <x-bladewind::input required="true" name="email2"
                        label="Email address" error_message="Please enter your email" />
                <x-bladewind::input numeric="true" name="mobile2" label="Mobile" />

                message="Updating your profile." />

                message="Profile updated successfully." />

        // the script called by the Update button
        saveProfileAjax = () => {
                // show process indicator while you make your ajax call
                // make the call
            } else {
                return false;

        makeAjaxCall = (formData) => {
            // this is a dummy function but your real function
            // will make a call and post all the data
            setTimeout(() => {
                // do these when your ajax call is done saving your data
            }, 5000);

The example above follows the same principle as the first, except we submit the form via Ajax. When the Update button is clicked the saveProfileAjax() function is called. This validates the form and hides the action buttons of the modal if validation passes. We don't want the user canceling the form submission or clicking the Update button a second time. The form is also hidden while the process indicator is displayed. Lastly, the form data is passed to the makeAjaxCall() function.

You will need to flesh out the makeAjaxCall() function yourself to make the actual ajax call. The idea however is, once the ajax call returns a status, we hide the process indicator and display the process-complete component. The Done button on the process-complete component closes the modal when clicked on (button_action="hideModal('form-mode-ajax')").

This example used only one process-complete component. Normally you will have two process-complete components. One to show if the process failed and the other to show if the process succeeded.

hide(), unhide(), hideModalActionButtons(), serialize() and validateForm() are all helper functions available in BladewindUI.

Option 3. Probably the easiest option

The third and final option is to hide the Okay button of the modal and let the submit button sit in the form itself. The modal will only have a cancel button to close the form if needed.

        // the modal and its form.

            <form method="get" action="" class="profile-form-simple"
                  onsubmit="return saveProfileSimple()">
                <b>Edit Your Profile</b>
                <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 mt-6">
                    <x-bladewind::input required="true" name="first_name3"
                        label="First name" error_message="Please enter your first name" />
                    <x-bladewind::input required="true" name="last_name3"
                        label="Last name" error_message="Please enter your last name" />
                <x-bladewind::input required="true" name="email3"
                        label="Email address" error_message="Please enter your email" />
                <x-bladewind::input numeric="true" name="mobile3"
                        label="Mobile" />
                <x-bladewind::button can_submit="true" class="w-full mt-2">
                    Update Profile
        // the script called by the Update button
        saveProfileSimple = () => {
                return domEl('.profile-form-simple').submit();
            return false;

The example above sets ok_button_label="" to hide the Okay button. We then set the onsubmit attribute of the form to call a Javascript function when the form is submitted. onsubmit="return saveProfileSimple()". Take note of the return keyword. Without this, the form will submit when clicked on, even if validation fails.

To make the button submittable we added the can_submit="true" attribute to the button component. The Javascript function returns false when validation fails or true if otherwise. That is really all we need to do in this case. One of these three options should hopefully serve your use-case.

Full List Of Attributes

The table below shows a comprehensive list of all the attributes available for the Modal component.

IMPORTANT: Projects running Laravel 8 please read this

Option Default Available Values
type blank info error warning success
title blank String. Defines the title of the modal.
name 'bw-modal-'.uniqid() Uniquely identifies a modal. This attribute is very important if you want to prevent erratic behaviour of modals.
ok_button_label okay Specify the label to be displayed on the primary action button.
cancel_button_label cancel Specify the label to be displayed on the secondary action button.
ok_button_action close Expects a javascript function that will be called when the primary action button is clicked.
cancel_button_action close Expects a javascript function that will be called when the secondary action button is clicked.
close_after_action true Specify whether the modal stays open after any of the action buttons are clicked.
true false
backdrop_can_close true Specify whether clicking on the modal backdrop should close the modal.
true false
blur_size medium Specify the intensity of the backdrop blur.
none small medium large xl xxl omg
show_action_buttons true Specify whether the action buttons should be displayed.
true false
align_buttons right Specify how the action buttons should be aligned in the modal footer.
left center right
stretch_action_buttons false Specify whether the action buttons should stretch the entire width of the modal. Each button will be on its own line.
true false
size big Defines the size of the modal. Arranged from smallest to largest.
tiny small medium big large xl omg
show_close_icon false Display a close icon in the top right corner of the modal window. Clicking on this will close the modal or behave the same as the Cancel button if it exists in the modal footer.

true false
body_css blank Any extra css classes to add to the modal body.
footer_css blank Any extra css classes to add to the modal footer.

Modal with all attributes defined

                title="Modal with all features"
                ok_button_action="alert('say ok')"
                cancel_button_action="alert('say nay')"

The source file for this component is available in resources > views > components > bladewind > modal.blade.php and resources > views > components > bladewind > modal-icons.blade.php