

Useful for displaying menu items in a dropdown. This is very different from the Select component. The Select component can pass values as a form element. The Dropmenu does not pass values around and is mostly useful for accessing quick actions.

John C. Doe john@doe.com Sales
            <x-bladewind.table hover_effect="false" divider="thin">
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item>Invite to Project </x-bladewind::dropmenu-item>
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item>Assign Task</x-bladewind::dropmenu-item>
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item>Send Message</x-bladewind::dropmenu-item>

By default the Dropmenu is triggered using the horizontal ellipsis icon found on Heroicons. You can trigger the menu using any other icon from Heroicons or using any other element. To use an icon as the trigger, the trick is to append the word -icon to the end of the name of the icon defined on Heroicons.

            <div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-6">
                <div class="text-center">
                    <x-bladewind::dropmenu trigger="musical-note-icon">
                            Add to playlist
                            Play again
                <div class="text-center">
                    <x-bladewind::dropmenu trigger="arrow-down-circle-icon">
                            Download file
                            Add to library
                <div class="text-center">
                    <x-bladewind::dropmenu trigger="cog-6-tooth-icon">
                            Company settings
                            User settings

Trigger Properties


It is also possible to modify the trigger css. This css applies to any item you specify as the trigger but most useful if you specify an icon as the trigger. This is achieved by defining TailwindCSS classes for the trigger_css attribute.

            <div class="text-center">
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu trigger="musical-note-icon"
                     trigger_css="bg-pink-600 text-white p-2 rounded-full !h-10 !w-10">
                        Add to playlist
                        Play again


By default the Dropomenu is displayed when you click on the trigger. It is possible to change this behaviour by defining the trigger_on attribute. There are only two available options: click and mouseover.

            <div class="text-center">
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu trigger="musical-note-icon"
                    trigger_css="bg-green-600 text-white p-2 rounded-full !h-10 !w-10"
                        Add to playlist
                        Play again

Non Icon Triggers

To trigger the Dropmenu using any HTML element other than an icon, you will need to define the trigger as a slot.

John C. Doe
Tech, IT Support

             <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-6">
                <div class="text-center">
                            <x-bladewind.button type="secondary" size="tiny">
                            Add to playlist
                            Play again
                <div class="text-center">
                            <div class="flex space-x-2 items-center shadow px-4 rounded-md">
                                <div class="grow">
                                    <x-bladewind.avatar image="/assets/...png" />
                                <div class="grow">
                                    <div><strong>John C. Doe</strong></div>
                                    <div class="text-sm">Tech, IT Support</div>
                                    <x-bladewind.icon name="chevron-down"
                                        class="!h-4 !w-4" />
                            Deactivate my account
                            Delete Profile

The Dropmenu items are the actual line items within your Dropmenu. Each item can contain any piece of HTML code so you completely have control over what action is assigned to each menu item. BladewindUI does not interfere. For convenience, you can specify an onclick attribute.

Dropmenu Items can contain HTML so their content is all up to you

            <x-bladewind::dropmenu trigger="light-bulb-icon"
                trigger_css="bg-yellow-400 ...">
                    <a href="/library" target="_blank">Go to Library</a>
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item onclick="showModal('dropmenu-demo')">
                    Show a Modal

Headers, Icons and Dividers


It is possible to define a header for your Dropmenu component. There can be several headers in a Dropmenu. The header is still a x-bladewind::dropmenu-item component so can contain any HTML. The only difference between this and other items is there is no hover effect, the cursor displayed is the default pointer and there is a divider separating the header from the next menu item. To define a Dropmenu item as a header, set header="true.

            <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item header="true">
                // define heading here


Even though it is possible to define your own icon as part of the Dropmenu item's content, there is a shortcut that allows you to define any of the icons available on Heroicons. This makes use of the BladewindUI Icon component. This is useful only if you have menu items that fit on one line and you want to prefix each line with an icon. To define a Dropmenu item with an icon , set the icon attribute with any icon name from Heroicons. Unlike the icon used in the trigger attribute of the Dropmenu component, items do not require the -icon at the end of the icon name.

            <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item icon="square-pencil">
                Edit Profile

By default, icons are positioned on the left of the menu item content. To switch the icon position to the right of the menu item content, set icon_right="true". Setting the attribute on the x-bladewind::dropmenu component will shift all menu items in the menu to the right. Alternatively, you can set the attribute on one or more menu items within the Dropmenu component.

            <x-bladewind::dropmenu icon_right="true">


You may want to logically divider your Dropmenu into sections. You can either do that with headers or dividers. A divider is simply a non-clickable line separating menu items. To define a Dropmenu item as a divider , set divider="true". Any text added to the menu item will be ignored.

            <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item divider="true" />

By default Dropmenu Items are not divided. You can tell each menu item apart on mouseover. If you prefer to have your menu items separated by a thin gray line you can set divided="true" on the Dropmenu component itself (not on the menu items).

            <x-bladewind::dropmenu divided="true">

The example below addresses headers, icons and dividers.



                    <div class="flex space-x-2 items-center rounded-md">
                        <div class="grow">
                            <x-bladewind.avatar image="/assets/...jpg" />
                            <x-bladewind.icon name="chevron-down" class="!h-4 !w-4" />

                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item header="true">
                    <div class="grow">
                        <div><strong>Jane A. Doe</strong></div>
                        <div class="text-sm">@jane-the-coder</div>
                        <div class="text-sm">jane@bladewindui.com</div>

                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item icon="pencil-square">
                    Edit Profile
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item icon="trash" icon_css="!text-red-300">
                    <span class="text-red-500">Delete Profile</span>

                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item divider />

                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item icon="computer-desktop">
                    Your Repositories
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item icon="briefcase">
                    Your Projects
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item icon="building-office">
                    Your Organizations
                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item icon="star">
                    Your Stars

                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item divider />

                <x-bladewind::dropmenu-item hover="false">
                    <x-bladewind.button color="purple" radius="small" size="small" class="w-full">
                        Sign Out


Menu Position

The Dropmenu component for now supports two menu positions. Left and right. This is achieved by setting the position attribute on the Dropmenu component. The default position is right so you can ignore this attribute if you intend to use the component as is.




Scrollable Menu Items

You could have a long list of menu items in your Dropmenu. If you don't want all items showing, you can set scrollable="true" on the Dropmenu component. This will reduce the menu items container to a default height of 200px and scroll every menu item outside this view area. If the default height does not meet your needs, you can define your own height by setting the height attribute. This takes any positive integer without the "px".


            <x-bladewind::dropmenu scrollable="true">

If you have multiple Dropmenus on your page and experience issues with only the first Dropmenu showing and subsequent ones not showing, set modular="true" on the very first Dropmenu component on your page.

Full List Of Attributes

The table below shows a comprehensive list of all the attributes available for the Dropmenu component.

IMPORTANT: Projects running Laravel 8 please read this

Dropmenu Attributes

Option Default Available Values
name uniqid('bw-dropmenu-') Optional unique name for the component. Usually useful if you wish to target a menu from CSS to define overwriting styles.
trigger ellipsis-horizontal-icon The element to trigger the menu. Usually what a user will click on to show the menu.
trigger_css blank Additional css to apply to the trigger.
trigger_on click Which event should trigger the menu.
click mouseover
divided false Should menu items have lines dividing them.
true false
scrollable false Should menu items scroll after 200px.
true false
height 200 Default height for menu items container. When scrollable=true, menu items container will be restricted to this height.
positive integer
hide_after_click true Should the menu be hidden after clicking on any of the menu items.
true false
icon_right false Align the icon to the right of the menu item. Applies to all items in the menu.
true false
class blank Additional css for the menu items container
position right How should the menu items be positioned relative to the trigger.
right left
padded false Should the container for the menu items be padded.
true true
modular false Determines if script tags used within the component should have type="module". Useful sometimes when working with Vite js.
true true

Dropmenu Item Component Attributes

Option Default Available Values
icon blank Any Heroicon icon to display as prefix to the menu item.
dir blank Directory to load the icon from. See the Icon component for usage.
icon_css blank Additional css to apply to the icon.
icon_right false Align the icon to the right of the menu item. Applies to the menu item the attribute is declared on.
true false
divider false Is this menu item a divider.
true false
header false Is this menu item a header.
true false
hover true Should this menu item change its background colour on mouseover.
true false
padded false Should the menu item be padded.
true true
class blank Additional css to add to the menu item.

Dropmenu with all attributes defined



The source file for this component is available in resources > views > components > bladewind > dropmenu.blade.php, resources > views > components > bladewind > dropmenu-item.blade.php